Inclusion and Accessibility For People Living With Disabilities: Why It Matters Now More Than Ever
By: Darrell Purdy
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On April 13, 2012, a group of 75 people representing all levels of the University, in addition to representatives from two other universities, came together to find a unifying direction for Inclusion and Accessibility at Ohio University and to begin an ongoing planning process that would translate that direction into reality. It was a day of dreaming big dreams for a more inclusive and accessible community purposed to welcome all abilities. And, at the conclusion of the gathering, at approximately 4 p.m. with the gathered serving as witnesses, disability impact was put on notice at Ohio University. The notice informed all that no longer would disability impact be allowed to determine the value someone has or limit the opportunities for dreams to come true, whatever they may be while at Ohio University. My name is Darrell Purdy and I was the one who put disability impact on notice not only because I am the assistant director for employee accommodations and campus accessibility, but because I am also a person who was born with significant physical disabilities that have impacted my life for too many years. I was born with a condition called Moebius Sequence and Hanhart Syndrome.